Design Thinking

The Professor Garfield team recently hosted design thinking workshops—a non-linear, iterative process that teams use to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions to prototype and test. These workshops were formed with...

New Year, New Team!

The current Professor Garfield Team includes individuals from diverse academic backgrounds. Together, the team works collaboratively to research and develop resources for K-5 educators to effectively teach a wide range of digital literacy concepts and technologies....

Professor Garfield: Then and Now

Brief Background The Professor Garfield Digital Literacy project grew from research suggesting that K-5 educators lack the resources they need to effectively teach digital literacy. Additionally, few resources exist that provide educators with a clear definition of...

PGF team visits PAWS, Inc. for update

The PGF project team visited Jim Davis and his team at PAWS, Inc. to present an update on where the project is and where it will go in the near future. At the meeting, we discussed the accomplishments that have been made within the past year to the project and the PGF...

Jump Starting Spring Semester

It's a new semester and the PGF team is gearing up to finish this project out strong this spring. The past two weeks we have taken inventory and mapped out all content that is to be finished by Spring Break, the second week of March. It is our goal to launch the beta...

Wrapping Up Fall 2017 Semester

This week the team is wrapping up the semester with final touches to the five exercises and beginning the process of building the new exercises from the previous week's designs. We have also taken inventory of the content that has been finished for the testing site,...

Exercise Edits and Lesson Plan Building

After a short break, the team has focused on reworking a few exercises and creating lesson plans for currently completed exercises. This has lead to three potential exercises to be added to our original goal of five completed exercises, making our final goal to...

Sign Up to Be a Beta Tester

Professors and students from the Center for Emerging Media Design & Development at Ball State University are working with K-3 teachers and students across the country to develop digital literacy curricula and exercises that will work for you.

If you would like to contribute to this project, please click this button to fill out our contact form.